Política económica

28.03.2017 19:57
Last week I had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine, who, with motive of the “Earth day” was arguing and moaning against all types of fossil fuels and its harmful effects on the planet. Furthermore than he invented all the data he was exposing, one thing called my attention even more,...
19.03.2017 20:39
  Subamos por un momento al DeLorean de Regreso al futuro y volvamos al 2010. No sé si recuerdan ese año a Barack Obama sentado en su mesa del despacho oval de la Casa Blanca, mientras firmaba rodeado de sus asesores y personas de confianza la legislación que más daño ha hecho al...
05.03.2017 20:20
Lately, during the last few months, we were able to hear many politicians and statesmen talking about a greater integration of the various countries into the European Union. As a liberal, I’m not opposed to an increased cooperation between European nations and their leaders, and even on several...
16.02.2017 20:07
El pasado lunes acudí a la presentación del nuevo libro de Diego Sánchez de la Cruz, el cual todavía no he tenido oportunidad de leer, pero parece ser un referente del liberalismo moderno. Durante la presentación, el gran Rodríguez Braun hizo referencia a una escena de una película de los hermanos...
02.02.2017 22:33
Many politicians nowadays usually employ patriotism as a relevant and exalting argument, and many times as a refuge for their protectionist or interventionist ideas. Donald Trump has been lastly a clear example of it, announcing policies on trade and measures as tariffs or tolls on imports that...
25.01.2017 23:19
Ante todo, en esta vida nos encontramos con mucha gente que tiene pensamiento único y que suele creer directamente y sin cuestionar lo que diga cualquier medio aparentemente fiable. Esto suele ocurrir en todos los aspectos, pero sobre todo en economía y política. Datos, estadísticas, frases, son...
08.01.2017 20:19
  As you might know if you have read a bit about economics and politics since last week, during 2016 it was registered the biggest fall of unemployment levels in a one year term in history, concretely of 390,534 people in 365 days. As usual, this wasn’t enough for the people of the 15 M, who...
27.12.2016 22:56
  The banking sector has always been one of the most privileged ones in modern economies, as most countries nowadays stand more than half of their public assets on the financial sector, which in many occasions rounds 40% of the total GDP. Banking basic function is generating private debt to...
11.12.2016 22:00
Esta última semana, en uno de los plenos de control del Congreso de los Diputados, pudimos observar cómo se aprobó una proposición de Ley promovida por Podemos que trata sobre el incremento del SMI de manera progresiva hasta alcanzar cifras similares al 60% del salario medio anual en el plazo de...
27.11.2016 22:03
  My loyal reader, by the title you might be thinking that today my article might be centered in Keynes and his economic policy ideals towards taxes, but no… today it’s not your luck day. I know and I’m conscious that that would be a really interesting debate, and that many of you will enjoy...
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EL RINCÓN DEL PARQUET elrincondelparquet@gmail.com